decepticon optimus prime

Controverse, In the year 2011, Optimus Prime and Hot Rod engaged in a battle against Galvatron and the Decepticons in deep space. Fight! The tale was interrupted a few times. The Transformers were all caught in the backwash of the explosion, and their flaming bodies were sent tumbling back down to Earth. The Search for Alpha Trion, Optimus Prime had little to do in the mission to rescue Astoria Carlton-Ritz from the Decepticons, merely offering theories and passing along information to Powerglide, The Girl Who Loved Powerglide but took to the fore again when Megatron created the Stunticons to combat the Autobots on the roads. Using the Sky Spy, Primal located Optimus and cured him of the virus. Anime Theater: Sic 'em, Hound! Surely Optimus must have known that his predecessor, Sentinel Prime, had previously crash landed on Earth's moon? His defeated Decepticon foes, even when they beg for mercy, still suffer his violent wrath. The plan was essentially another go at building the Transtector that had become Ginrai, this time to be used as originally intended. Fight! Optimus and Megatron are both the leaders of their teams and possess mentor-student relationships with a human. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Numerous crazy gadgets formed the backbone of Prime's next few adventures, as he battled the Decepticons for control of electro-cells, Traitor had to convince Ironhide to remain with the Autobots when his old friend botched a mission involved Wheeljack's new Immobilizer, The Immobilizer and found himself temporarily trapped in truck mode by the Transfixatron when he and the other Autobots participated in the "Autobot Run" charity race. The Autobots returned to Moonbase Two, where Optimus, relying on the power of the Matrix, declared his intention to confront Unicron alone. Instead, Optimus is alright with sending the humans barreling into Chicago, hopelessly outmatched and outgunned, and without any knowledge of his plan in order to do what? Fans Hobby MB-18 Energon Optimus Prime Prototype. Reality kept going wonky, and Optimus was eventually replaced with by Leader-1 partway through the siege of Autobot City. Though Megatron dreamed of regaining sole command of his army, for the meantime, there was peace and the alliance ushered in what would be called the Second Generation of the Transformers. Forced to signal a counterattack, he was startled to discover that the Decepticons had entered into a pact with the invaders. Nucleon Quest Super Convoy bio, In the midst of an energy shortage for both Autobot and Decepticon alike, Optimus Prime contacted the Autobots at Scramble City about his discovery of nucleon. All Optimus Prime has brought to Earth is war, death, and destruction. But sabotage … Leader of the Autobot rebels during the war for Cybertron, Optimus Prime took part in the final battle for Cybertron against the Decepticons. As a token of thanks, Optimus Prime granted Kenji a special communications helmet and made him an official Autobot ally. The Autobots abandoned their disguises when Megatron assembled the components into his new laser weapon, but it turned out that Optimus had sabotaged the device, and it blew up in Megatron's face. The Road to Legends' Revival Chapter 2, Formerly a trailer truck, Optimus Prime took on the new identity of Convobat along with an appropriate bat mode. Bonus Edition Grand Maximus, Over 15 years after his merging with Vector Sigma, Optimus Prime's lifeless body was spirited away in a sinister plot to destroy the Autobots by Dark Nova, the big bad guy du jour. In the process, Prime rediscovered his own forgotten connection to his creator, when Alpha Trion shocked him with intimate knowledge of his and Elita's systems by telling him that only his own power supply could properly interface with Elita's. No sooner had Roller entered the mine, however, than the charge went off, and Prime was caught in the blast and hurled off the cliff. Optimus told him not to, and instead to regroup back at Athenia, as he suspected the Decepticons had a much greater scheme in mind. Optimus Prime is a warrior who revels in battle. Due to his incapacity, the reins of leadership passed to Obsidian. Just as Prime was dropped, Elita used her secret power to stop time, freezing Prime in mid-air and pulling him to safety. Although Optimus had difficulty wrapping his head around the whole scenario, he vowed not to go down without a fight. Later, the two Optimuses found themselves in battle against the huge Decepticon warrior, Gigant Bomb, but were unable to hurt him because he had supercharged his armor with Solitarium. Fight! Prime then engaged Megatron in battle, but was quickly laid low by the newcomer, who called for Gigant Bomb and Smokesniper to finish him off. Prime intended to go to Titan and rescue Cosmos himself, but Red Alert urged against it, and Jazz wound up going in his place.The God Gambit Prime later agreed to help the NYPD bust a carjacking ring headed up by the Geddis brothers, leading to another confrontation with the Geddis's secret allies, the Decepticons. Prime was badly damaged in the attack and passed the Matrix to Ultra Magnus, who was able to use it to destroy Unicron. The Road to Legends' Revival Chapter 4: LG-EX Big Powered Prologue Part One, The Road to Legends' Revival Chapter 5: LG-EX Big Powered Prologue Part Two, Legends Comic: Bonus Edition Vol. Amazon Showdown Special Version bio, Nine million years ago, the dockworker Orion Pax and his coworkers and friends Ariel and Dion were murdered by Megatron and his new Decepticon army. Then, he and Ultra Magnus battled and apprehended Galvatron. Together with his girlfriend Ariel and his best friend Dion, Orion was a dock-worker at a storage yard who had the simple job of unloading and storing shipments of energy that came from a power plant up-river. The double-crossed Megatron reluctantly accepted Optimus's offer of a truce, and both sides worked together to bring down the force field and destroy the Martian invaders. Season 5: TROOP, Part 1 When the tale was finished and Tommy got his big scoop, Prime and the boy then ventured off to go refuel Sky High. Out of respect for his abilities, Optimus gave Rapido emergency command powers on Earth, letting him assume leadership of any group of Autobots whenever the situation required it. However, this of course also draws other Transformers to the planet -- namely countless waves of murderous Decepticons! Tommy backed down, but asked that when he felt that he was ready to be a Headmaster, if he could be Prime's Headmaster. Dark Awakening, Prime's lifeforce returned to the Matrix, and he was among the spectral figures whose ethereal forms emerged from the talisman when it was stolen by Galvatron, warning him to return it to its rightful holder. Slicing the trailer open, she was too late to prevent an EDC Autorooper from partially fusing with Prime. Robotmasters Vol. After a lengthy and painful battle, Battle Convoy narrowly managed to best Megatron, forcing him and the Decepticons to retreat into deep space. G-2 #5 Prime's location was eventually compromised when Skyjack slipped past all Autobot radar. Optimus tortures Megatron with a "voltage harnass," raising the device's intensity to the point that it could kill his long-time enemy. Instead, he's totally okay with Cybertron's destruction. Super Robot Lifeform Transformers Part 6, Fight! The Master Builders, Optimus Prime later helped test Wheeljack's new Negavator weapon and had to deal with a paranoid Red Alert, Auto Berserk then found himself faced with a super-powered Megatron when the Decepticon leader boosted his systems with the Heart of Cybertron. Robotmasters Vol. Although they were not heard from again for many months, Prime and Megatron survived the experience, and their war continued. The Autobots forced the huge war machine to separate into its two smaller component robots, Gigant Bomb and Smokesniper, who were quickly intimidated and forced by the Autobots to help clean up their mess. 11, Following Optimus Prime's death in the Battle of Autobot City, Tokyo was devastated when Galvatron crash-landed on the city after being hurled out of Unicron's body by Rodimus Prime. Bonus Edition Vol. Safeguarding Earth and saving human lives is far less crucial than killing Decepticons or possessing powerful Cybertronian relics. Soon after, when Prime discovered that the meteorite was unstable and set to explode, he rushed out to warn the Dinobots, only to be attacked by them and taken to Megatron. Optimus also participated in a battle against the Decepticon Gestalt Devastator, that took place in orbit around Cybertron Fight! As Electro moved in to administer the killing blow, Megatron emerged from the smoke unscathed, effortlessly plucking Electro up by his head. This page was last modified on 7 March 2021, at 08:31. Unfinished Business, Part 4, Optimus Prime is later seen at the Earth Defense Command space center, defending Alternium from an attack by Unicron's Decepticon Binaltech warriors. So, they're the perfect summer blockbusters! Though Magnum tried to give the order to assemble the Elite Guard, Optimus received news from Ironhide that it was already too late. On top of all this mayhem, the Decepticons had also used hypno-chips to mind-control human slaves into helping them gather energy, including Sparkplug Witwicky. Marissa was not very happy, Kiss Players radio drama #10 but took it in stride, and dubbed the new weapon the "Surfblade". Later, on Earth, a suspiciously similar battle with the Decepticons resulted in, er, Prime's death. In fact, a lot of what Optimus does and believes seems pretty evil. Optimus Prime was among the first Transformers released from Hasbro in 1984. He carries the Matrix of Leadership, an ancient and powerful artifact that gives him upgraded abilities and knowledge of all Cybertronian history. On another mission even further into the future, Teletraan 15 and her companion Steeljaw were aboard Jetfire as he was attacked by the Decepticon jets Smokescreen and Dreadwing on his way to his commander. G-2 #7 Meanwhile, Jetfire, Wheeljack, and Perceptor began to study the Matrix of Leadership and discovered a new property within it called the Reconfiguration Matrix which could grant Autobots new powers. The Decepticons razed the city in search of the element until Prime and his forces arrived to save the day, this time aided by Lio Convoy and the enigmatic Reverse Convoy. Super Robot Lifeform Transformers Prologue, Fight! Unfortunately, the Trigger soon became a target for the Decepticons, who had allied with a foreign power and used a human agent to gain access to the station. Optimus then quarantined himself to a deserted canyon. Although he considered the day a victory, Prime worried that the Insecticons would inevitably ally themselves with Megatron again. The Key to Vector Sigma, Part 2, When Megatron attempted to send the Aerialbots back to the dawn of time using the kronosphere time machine, Optimus Prime blasted the device before it could complete its evil work, depositing the Aerialbots nine million years in the past. Holding Star Giant's massive mouth open, he ordered Sky Garry and Grandus to move in. Mercilessly executing prisoners, a dogged and unflinching black and white worldview, and an inability to learn from the mistakes of war -- these are the actions of a leader who is blinded by old hatreds. Unfortunately, over the next few years several Earthborn Cybertronians from the Cyberfactories turned to crime, assembling as a new Decepticon Syndicate. Galvatron fled the battle, leaving Hot Rod to request pursuit. In the end, what has Optimus' interference on Earth left humanity with? EX 1 Sonic Bomber Chapter, Legends Comic: Bonus Edition Vol. Loading his best and brightest aboard a huge spacecraft, More than Meets the Eye, Part 1 Prime was the last to board, but was stopped by a cry from Elita One, who came running up to the launch platform. But they were rescued by Lio Convoy and another Optimus Prime. Unfortunately, Megatron promptly blew his ruse by dismissing Spike's safety as unimportant, and all of the Autobots immediately turned on the clone and blew it to smithereens. Slugslinger's Ambition, To Optimus's distress, Twin Twist's drilling obsession would often damage the Autobot base, G1 Warrior Twin Twist so he attempted to turn it towards something useful by having him dig pitfall traps for the Decepticons. He had only a few moments to savor the victory before Earth was suddenly invaded by a fleet of Martian saucers. After Prime concluded the tale, he left to go attend an interstellar peace conference. Wasting no time, Prime led the Autobots in pursuing the Decepticons, who were in the process of attacking an oil rig. Atlantis, Arise! Prime and a small unit of Autobots then stormed the Decepticon base to rescue their friends. The zombie Prime returned to the main Autobot force and reassumed command, intending to lure the Autobot space fleet into a trap that would destroy them all. In the battle that followed, Prime was badly injured by an exploding computer bank when he shielded the human workers with his body, and was taken back to Autobot Headquarters for repair. Prime was touched. Star Convoy Volume But before they could start the battle, an interruption came from an unexpected source: Galvatron emerged from a Transwarp portal and attacked! This transferral of power was carried out at the Citadel, with Prime standing with his best warriors. At that moment, all attentions turned skyward as a group of the flying robots soared by overhead. This allowed Megatron to access a cache of quantum surge energy within his circuits, upgrading him into a nigh-invulnerable Transmetal. Both Ariel and the newcomers urged caution in dealing with the fliers, but Orion waved off their concerns, and returned to work. Optimus Prime of the Autobots has Fallen! I admired Megatron merely because he was powerful. During Armada, he fights the Decepticons in order to allow Mini-Cons the ability to choose for themselves. Attack of the Autobots. Then Megatron came flying in, having detected a large energy reading at the Autobots' position. The two heroes were flattened by a powerful punch from Gigant Bomb, at which point Star Saber and Victory Leo appeared to join the fray. Metrowars, Upon discovering the nucleon, Optimus Prime absorbed it into his body through Hi-Q, transforming his body into an Action Master. Optimus Prime appeared in the instruction section of the Japanese, For comedic effect, Japanese media frequently has Optimus Prime exclaim, "I have a good idea." In 2004, the Scramble City project was expanded through the use of the newly discovered element Solitarium to involve the construction of a fully-fledged Autobot City on Earth. Prime offered Megatron one last chance to surrender, but was caught off-guard by Hooligan, who blasted him in the back with his missile attack, destroying Prime's back-mounted weaponry unit. His actions demonstrate that he'd rather hunt down and destroy every single Decepticon rather than open any sort of dialogue between the two factions. Fight! Posted on February 10, 2021 at 8:00 am by Black Convoy under 3rd Party Unlicensed. Alternation, In 2004, Optimus Prime welcomed Roadbuster and Whirl, two Transformers from the Legends World, into the Autobots. When the Autobots arrived at the mines, Sparkplug and Bumblebee were sent in to plant an explosive charge that would entomb the Decepticons. Fight! From Here to Alternity Little did the Convoy Aggregate suspect, however, that Megatron had summoned the Hytherion for reasons greater than mere destruction. B.O.T. The enraged Orion lunged at Megatron, but was shot down by yet another blast from the Decepticon's cannon. While Alpha Trion set to work on rebuilding Ariel into "Elita One" using Prime's schematics as a basis, Prime confronted Megatron, introducing himself as the Decepticon's "worst nightmare". Megatron's Master Plan, Part 1 Prime soon regretted his decision and ordered Cliffjumper to turn the rocket around, only to discover that Megatron had set it to collide with the sun and destroy them all. More than Meets the Eye, Part 3, One night, months later, before rebuilding was complete, Prime and Ironhide stood looking out at the ocean, and Prime confessed he was not entirely convinced that the Decepticons were gone for good. He then encountered a human boy named Tommy Kennedy who lived in Autobot City and the two became friends. Roll for It, While searching for any trace of where the Decepticons' space bridge would next materialize, Prime received word of a Decepticon attack on a weapons factory and sped to the scene. And he was right: before long, Teletraan I reported an emergency at a solar power plant, and Optimus discovered to his horror that Megatron still lived. The other Autobots agreed there was only one leader for them, and formed a throne out of their bodies for Prime to sit upon, but Prime said he preferred to roll. Masquerade. Optimus Prime's leadership not only puts his friends in danger, but gets them killed as well. In order to continue the fight, Prime arranged for an interstellar expedition to search for energy on other planets. In Transformers, Optimus has the bright idea to start broadcasting a signal to all Autobots around the galaxy in order to gather his buddies on Earth. Over the course of the next twenty years, the Decepticons turned their attentions away from Earth, and succeeded in seizing control of all of Cybertron. Megatronus became a champion gladiator in time and the crowds chanted his chosen name which fed his ego and made the innate darkness in his spark even stronger. Later, Teletraan 15 received data regarding the emergence of the Kiss Players in 2006 and Optimus Prime's involvement with that group. Optimus Prime is the noble leader of the heroic Autobots. Rampage. The Battlestars story page #9 Star Giant proved to be virtually indestructible from the outside until Star Convoy got the bright idea of giving the villain the worst case of indigestion he'd ever had. Optimus Prime soon recovered from his injuries and adopted a Binaltech body of his own; it was thanks to the attributes of this new body that he and the other Binaltech Autobots were able to avoid being shut down when they triggered the Quintesson's killswitch, deactivating nearly all the Decepticons. Prime selected Ultra Magnus as his champion, and the game began! The Dinobots are clearly only more expendable fodder for Optimus' endless war against the Decepticons. This time, however, Marissa, Shaoshao, Atari, Prime and Hot Rod all decided to set their differences aside in order to discover the true, dark secret lurking within the EDC. As the battle had been unlawfully won, Prime was able to disregard the law and lead the Autobots into the battle raging outside. When the Autobots arrived back on Earth, Optimus Prime learned of Hot Rod's deeds, and as he was handed the Matrix, a mysterious energy from the artifact passed through both Autobots. Megatron's sadistic game involved manipulating the occupants of his home dimension in the year 2005, pitting them against each other in a "game full of death and suffering". Fight! Following Primal's lead, Prime united his energy with Primal's own, and together, they created the powerful "Double Convoy Tornado", which sent Megatron flying. Five million years later, Optimus organized a group of Autobots to leave Cybertron to search for energy to replenish their planet's resources. Hot Rod felt a sense of satisfaction from this and began to regain consciousness. Following a riotous sewer-surfing journey back to Aron's house, the Autobots departed the planet in a toy rocket ship Perceptor had rewired. Once they had defeated the Decepticons, the Autobots had planned to somehow resurrect their fallen leader, using the technology developed on the planet Master to give him a new body. The Transtector later gained sentience of its own, which meant that it ultimately could not be used for its intended purpose. The Autobot Run Later, when the Decepticons allied themselves with the Sub-Atlanticans and attacked Washington, D.C., Prime was felled by a blast from an anti-Transformer disruptor ray created by the Sub-Atlantican king, Nergill. Prime invited Kranix to return to Cybertron to defeat the planet-eater, briefly stopping to rescue Hot Rod on Junkion. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/06/03, In another universe circa 2005, Optimus Prime was stationed on Moonbase One, and dispatched troops to Earth to acquire energy for an upcoming strike to take back Cybertron from the Decepticons. He got all fired up and couldn't stop himself from cheering his "baseball warriors" on. Echoes and Fragments. Darkest Hour Shortly after the defeat of Unicron, this plan bore fruit, and time began to correct itself. Bonus Edition Vol. Though Ironhide warned Optimus that his doppelgänger might actually be a Decepticon spy, Optimus dismissed his concerns, knowing intuitively he could trust his other-dimensional self. The death and destruction that resulted caused a massive anti-Transformer sentiment to spring up, epitomized by the formation of the government organization known as the Earth Defense Command, who forced any remaining Transformers on Earth off the planet. The Autobots Triumph in the Battle of Good Vs. Much to Tommy's surprise, Prime was toying with him all along and he and several other Autobots gave him a big cake. Unfinished Business, Part 3 When the Protector's spark was stolen by the new leader of the remaining Decepticons—an evil clone of Optimus known as Nemesis Prime—Prime engaged his evil doppelganger in battle in Australia. he overwhelmed the Decepticons with firepower. This Eldedroid, along with Waverider, Splashdown, Cliffjumper, and Sideswipe, was dispatched by Optimus Prime to investigate Decepticon involvement in recent attacks on human shipping vessels. It was with Blaster's help, however, that Prime then bested Megatron in a battle on the Moon, and so he allowed Blaster to turn Megatron's moonbase into a radio station that he could broadcast from. Part 2, In their last known storytime session, Tommy revealed to Prime that he desperately wanted to become a Headmaster. Megatron is more willing to open up negotiations for a truce in the third film than Optimus is. Again. Or at least borderline "not very nice." However, Prime only cryptically stated that perhaps Hot Rod's destiny was greater than the young 'bot himself knew. From his command point on Broadside, Optimus was convinced by Ironhide and Perceptor that the battle on the ocean floor required more back-up. As the Autobots' tended to their wounded, Alpha Trion warned over Magnum and Dion's bodies that he could only save one of them. Fight! A one-stop shop for all things video games. All the children hapless enough to be in the vicinity of Optimus Prime during the films are violently sucked into the Transformers' battles and used like chess pieces in their never-ending fight for victory on the planet. He returned to Metroplex and explained that the endless energy it provided would spell an end to the war, believing the Decepticons would have nothing to fight over if there were unlimited resources for everyone. Prime proceeded to combine with Ironhide, Prowl, Sunstreaker, and Mirage to form Optimus Maximus, but the combiner was quickly overpowered by Megatronia, the Female Decepticons' own gestalt form. Battle Convoy and Megatron then agreed to a one-on-one duel following the "Law of Cybertron": total banishment to the defeated and his forces. Actually, Optimus seems to have become quite bloodthirsty. Prime thanked him and asked him to lead the way to the secret base. A Prime Problem, Next, Prime found himself allying with Megatron on two separate occasions, first to prevent the destruction of the Earth when a Decepticon attempt to drill to the planet's core went awry The Core, and then again when the Insecticons drained the power core of the Nova Power Plant and grew in size and power. Optimus Prime: Megatron Must Be Stopped.. No Matter The Cost!Megatron: Prime! Reflecting on her childhood memories of playing with the kindly Autobot leader, Marissa lovingly kissed his faceplate. Optimus set off aboard a shuttle as Unicron began his final assault on Cybertron, but was intercepted by Megascream, who planned to steal the Matrix for himself. Optimus is as much to blame for perpetuating conflict as his Decepticon enemies. By defeating Grimlock in battle, Optimus then subjugates the Dinobots into service. The two future heroes merged into Victory Saber and defeated Gigant Bomb, after which Prime and Primal welcomed him to the fold. When the pair did not return, Prime drove up to the mineshaft and deployed Roller to investigate. Believing that he had simply been unaware of the number of powers at Megatron's command, Prime sorrowfully agreed to leave Earth, much to the other Autobots' chagrin. In Revenge of the Fallen, Optimus helps the U.S. government track down and dispatch all Decepticon fugitives, even blowing Demolisher's brains out after he's incapacitated. The Rebirth, Part 1 Prime was forced to consult the spirit of Alpha Trion within Vector Sigma, who informed him that the mega-computer had set these very events in motion in order to restore Cybertron's Golden Age. Leap, Later, the Cloud World Megatron (powered by SARA) interrupted a battle between Optimus Prime and Megatron. Arguably the Optimus of the movies crosses some lines that the classic Prime in other media wouldn't. Annoyed, Megatron unleashed Devastator on the trans-dimensional pest. With their powers united, the Autobots blasted away Reverse Convoy and his cohorts. Heavy Metal War, As 1985 rolled in, Optimus Prime found himself on the receiving end of the fury of "Autobot Spike", as he struggled to bring the young Witwicky back to his right mind after his consciousness was implanted in a robot body. He defeated them, but the Decepticons eventually came back, inciting both Optimus and Tommy to meet them for battle in outer space. Ratchet was last asking Optimus where he would go, Optimus said he would stay behind and destroy the groundbridge, so the Decepticons would not find them. The Autobots were forced off the planet and founded Autobot City on Earth, in addition to two staging bases on Cybertron's moons. Now existing outside of time, Prime interacted with the material world through a proxy body known as an auto-avatar (a "Vector 01" model, code-named "Ultimate Silver"), which he used to travel from world to world, inviting many different incarnations of himself from different dimensions to join the Alternity. Megatron and the Decepticons immediately fled. Finally, he attended a rehearsal of the stage musical being prepared by the Disaster Relief Team, Marissa perched on his shoulder. G-2 #9 Megatron then ordered Dreadwing and Smokescreen to swoop in and finish Prime off before he could recover. The Group of the Strongest Commanders! Rodimus vs. Cyclonus, Optimus Prime and his Autobots who came upon the displaced and damaged Optimus Prime of the Cloud World thanks to the help of a mysterious robotic girl. As battles between numerous different Primes and Megatrons erupted quite literally all across time and space, "Ultimate Silver" Optimus Prime was seen engaging in a cross-dimensional duel with the "Diamond Black" Megatron who hailed from universal stream Primax 1286.3 Kappa. Prime warned him that such an upgrade was more responsibility than he suspected, but made Tommy a deal. Megatron, on the other hand, sees power and wishes to control it, which boils down to controlling all of the Mini-Cons. And helping to wreck Chicago. Over the course of this tale, Prime had to take several breaks. Star Convoy and the Battlestars met him in battle once again, and again, they claimed victory. Microbots, After helping to save Central City's new solar energy facility from Decepticon attack, Optimus Prime and the Autobots were honored at City Hall, but the ceremony turned sour when the mayor's rival, Shawn Berger, framed the Autobots for raiding an oil field using a video tape faked by the Decepticons (which featured a costumed Starscream playing the role of Prime). Super Robot Lifeform Transformers the Autobots decided to test their skills and have a friendly race. Optimus Prime upgraded his trailer with a huge pair of speakers, and proceeded to drive around, broadcasting a counter-frequency that undid the villain's brainwashing. He also appears in one further flashback battle on Earth, which depicts his death in a scene that doesn't match up to his. Come read the incredibly complex, convoluted, and competing accounts of Optimus Prime's massive amount of appearances in the Generation 1 cartoon continuity! The Autobots are constantly waging civil war against a rival faction of transforming robots called Decepticons. Momentarily, anyway. Battle Lines, Part 1, Orion Pax was rebuilt into Optimus Prime as part of Alpha Trion's "Prime Initiative", a proposed alternative to the Elite Guard. Super Robot Lifeform Transformers Part 15, As the 1980s rolled on, the Autobots began an initiative to construct a new battle fortress known as Scramble City.

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