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You will be able to record your clues and those you hear from the opposing team on your Note Sheet. Alice has drawn the code 3.4.2. Decrypto is super fun. The Clues must refer to the meaning of the Keywords. Finally, the "horror" clue points to the keyword 1: "black". Online decrypt tool. Join the Discord Server! It is possible to draw the same code from one round to the next. Diese muss das eigene Team verstehen, ohne dass das gegnerische Team sie entschlüsseln kann. Players compete in two teams in Decrypto, with each trying to correctly interpret the coded messages presented to them by their teammates while cracking the codes they intercept from the opposing team.. Repeat steps 3 through 7 by reversing the teams: the Black Team's Encryptor now reads their three clues aloud, players on both teams try to decipher the code, etc. This way, you will be able to see the clues that relate to each number at a glance! Bitfarms Targets 5% of Bitcoin's Hash Rate With 48,000 New Miners. Spieldauer: etwa 30 Minuten. Canadian Bitcoin mining company Bitfarms has bought 48,000 new mining machines. Die Spieler treten in zwei Teams in Decrypto gegeneinander an, wobei jedes Team versucht, die verschlüsselten Nachrichten, die ihm von seinen Teamkollegen präsentiert werden, richtig zu interpretieren, während es die Codes knackt, die es vom gegnerischen Team abfängt. 1 antiquity 2 bone 3 morning 4 nightmare. All members of the opposing team sit on the opposite side of the table. The first faction to intercept 2 messages from the other faction wins, unless a faction loses by miscommunicating 2 of their own messages. If there is still a tie, each team tries to guess their opposing team's four Keywords. Das Leitthema handelt bei Decrypto von Agenten, so wie bei Codenames. Daraus haben wir eine Aktion gemacht und jetzt spielen wir Blogübergreifend eine Partie Decrypto. To keep their messages secret, each faction "encrypts" their messages using 4 keywords, known only to their comrades. The players try to find the secret word of at least 6 letters the other player formed behind his screen by using deduction. Each team takes 1 Screen, then draws 4 Keyword cards and places them in the appropriate spaces of their Screen WITHOUT SHOWING them to the opposing team. Our mission is to produce engaging articles like reviews, tips and tricks, game rules, strategies, etc. Therefore, your communications should be clear enough for your team to understand, but vague enough to confound your opponents. “Tritt dem weltbesten Verschlüsselungsteam bei!“, fordert etwas marktschreierisch der Aufdruck auf der Packung von “Decrypto“ und bewirbt damit ein Spiel um Wörter und Assoziationen, das letztlich ganz leise und doch sehr emotional daherkommt. important: Each team's Encryptor draws one Code card from their team's deck and reads it quietly while keeping it hidden from all the other players. If the Black Team is correct (i.e., they wrote the correct numbers in the correct order), they intercept the code and receive an Interception token. After both teams have revealed their codes, the round ends. He who finds the secret word first wins the game. Use the second column at the end of each clue on the Note Sheet to enter the correct code. Viel Spaß mit dem original Moorhuhn Shooter Spiel. Once both teams have written down their numbers, the Black Team attempts to intercept: they read the 3-digit code that they wrote down, hoping to match the White Team Encryptor's code. To figure out what Bob's three clues mean, your team must use your 4 secret keywords (visible only to your team). You are on the White Team with Alice and Bob. He guesses 1. On the other side of the table, Eve drew the code 2.3.4. The White Team collects a Miscommunication Token, since communication between the teammates broke down. Spielgefühl. Code × The White Team now attempts to decipher the code: they read the 3-digit code they wrote down, hoping to match their Encryptor's code. If you are asked, you must spell out your clues. Meanwhile, the enemy tries to intercept their messages by listening to their clues and figuring out the enemy's keywords. Leider empfinde ich die Mechaniken von Codenames und seinen Ablegern hier aber etwas spannender und abwechslungsreicher als die von Decrypto.Das macht Decrypto nicht zu einem schlechten Spiel, seine Konkurrenten sind schlicht und ergreifend ein wenig spannender. Both teams return their Code card to their respective decks and shuffle. During each round, both Encryptors will give clues for their codes, then both teams will try to guess both codes, starting with the White Team's code and followed by the Black Team's code. Gerne noch mehr. Aufmachung Spielbarkeit Interaktion Einfluss Spielreiz Kommentar 10.04.18 von Udo Kalker - Decrypto spielt sich wie eine Art "inverses Codenames". Your team wins the game if you collect 2 Interception tokens. You may never read out the code on the Code card or use the Keywords as clues (or their translation in another language), not even as a clue for a different Keyword. The Clues must never refer to the spelling ("C" to hint at "Cursed"), the number of letters ("8" or "8 letters" to hint at "Scorpion"), the position on the Screen ("musketeers" to hint at the word in the third position), or pronunciation ("face" to make your team guess "Place"). This tool uses the mcrypt_encrypt () function in PHP, so for more infos about the parameters used check the manual . Important: During the first round, neither team tries to intercept the other team's code. Their goal is to get their teammates to say this code. Auf dieser Seite kannst Du gratis Spiele spielen. 4 solltet ihr schon sein. Split up into two teams as evenly as possible. and "Freddy", referring to the movie "A Nightmare on Elm Street" in which the character of Freddy attacks his victims in their nightmares. Und dennoch ist Decrypto ein wirklich gutes Spiel, sobald der Einstieg gelungen ist. Die Mitspieler müssen es vermutlich recht lange und ausführlich studieren, bis sie endlich spielen können. In DECRYPTO, two teams of 2 to 4 players each compete against one another to see who the best codemasters are. No Yes (recommended). On their side of the table, Eve and Mallory think about the clues. Die Mitspieler müssen es vermutlich recht lange und ausführlich studieren, bis sie endlich spielen können. You collect 1 Interception token each time you successfully intercept the opposing team's code. These cards have a color key to differentiate the front side from the back side. To keep their messages secret, each faction "encrypts" their messages using 4 keywords, known only to their comrades. It's like a better Codenames, and Codenames is still a great game! Therefore, your communications should be clear enough for your team to understand, but vague enough to confound your opponents. You must follow these guidelines when creating your clues: You can choose the form your clues take, whether that's a single word or complete sentence. Die Mitspieler müssen es vermutlich recht lange und ausführlich studieren, bis sie endlich spielen können. Meanwhile, the enemy tries to intercept their messages by listening to their clues and figuring out the enemy's keywords. Decrypto ist also kein Spiel für jene, die es auf einen schnellen Start und einen flotten Spielverlauf anlegen. It's too easy! The team with the most points wins. Two warring factions are trying to send secret messages to their comrades, but their communications are broadcast for the enemy to see. Die „Win”- und „Lose”-Konditionen verleihen dem Spiel seine Spannung und heben es von ähnlichen Spielen wie Codenames ab. Die Mitspieler müssen es vermutlich recht lange und ausführlich studieren, bis sie endlich spielen können. They do not receive any penalty if their code DOES NOT match. Any information you give to your team as an Encryptor must be given to the opposing team as well. Both teams use the white side because the clues were given by the White Team's Encryptor. All rights reserved. Using the Note Sheet, each team's Encryptor writes three clues on the three lines for the current round. They believe that the clue "evening with friends" is tied to the keyword 1, thinking that "horror" is related to "horror films", which is a typical evening activity for teenagers. This site is dedicated to promoting board games. Zuletzt aktualisiert am 18.02.2021. With this move, the firm’s operational hashing capacity will grow by a factor of eight from current levels by … Then, choose a new Encryptor for each team. In DECRYPTO, two teams of 2 to 4 players each compete against one another to see who the best codemasters are. Die Mitspieler müssen es vermutlich recht lange und ausführlich studieren, bis sie endlich spielen können. Then Bob does likewise, 3.4.1. Compra / Venta de Criptomonedas (OTC) 0%. Bereits ab 17,55 € Große Shopvielfalt Testberichte & Meinungen | Jetzt Decrypto (deutsch) günstig kaufen bei Wir haben Mädchenspiele wie Dress Up-Spiele, Tierspiele, Schminkspiele und Abenteuerspiele.Für Jungs haben wir coole Rennspiele, Actionspiele und Sportspiele.Wir haben auch viele Puzzlespiele wie Bubble Shooter, Mahjong und Sudoku. She knows that Mallory and Eve may attempt an inter- ception once she reads her clues out loud. You may never use the same clue more than once per game. Procesar Retiros FIAT nacionales. Decrypto ist ebenfalls ein Kommunikationsspiel, bei dem Sprache eine zentrale Rolle spielt, so wie bei Codenames. Decrypto lässt uns in die Rolle von gegnerischen Geheimagenten schlüpfen. Plazos. Choose a name for your team and write it in the space provided. In case of another tie, both teams share the victory! Each round is divided into the following steps. Acreditación de Depósitos FIAT. Your keywords for this game are: 1 black 2 dragonfly 3 cocktail 4 sombrero. You are also attempting to intercept your opponents' codes. Aber Moment, kann man nicht auch mal online eine Partie spielen? Decrypto ist ein Teamspiel, was mit 3 bis 8 Menschen gespielt werden kann. Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 schützt Sie und Ihre Familie jederzeit zuverlässig vor Cybercrime – unter anderem bei der Arbeit, beim Online-Banking, Online-Shopping oder bei Online-Spielen. Place the Sand Timer, Interception tokens, and Miscommunication tokens in the center of the table. Do not look at or shuffle the Keyword cards before playing. They associate "rise" with "dawn" since the Sun rises at dawn. The team with the most correct answers prevails. Die Idee dahinter ist, dass mein Team von einem verfeindeten Agententeam abgehört wird und somit alles, was ich meinem Team sage, ebenfalls hören kann. © 2020 Ultra BoardGames. Eins vorweg: Decrypto ist vom Prinzip her einfach zu verstehen (wenn man sich durch die Anleitung gekämpft hat), aber nicht unbedingt einfach und erfolgreich zu spielen. At the bottom of your sheet, record the clues for this round in the section corresponding to their number. Both teams discuss the clues, trying to decipher the code. In any case, they have no clues to help them intercept it. If, later in the game, you use the clue "amigos", your opponents could easily associate it with Mexico and thus guess that you were once again referencing the fourth keyword. Alice reads her clues aloud and passes the Note Sheet to Bob. The opposing Encryptor must finish writing their clues before the Sand Timer runs out; otherwise, they won't have three complete clues to give! The "insect" clue obviously relates to the keyword 2: "dragonfly". You might also like the online encrypt tool . The Black Team doesn't collect any tokens: there is no reward for understanding your teammates' code, just a lack of punishment... Now the second round is over. Alice, satisfied that she confused the other players but disappointed that Bob didn't understand her, reveals to everyone that the actual code was 3.4.2. Then they note the clues in the boxes at the bottom of the sheet, grouping together all of the clues related to each Keyword number. Daraus haben wir eine Aktion gemacht und jetzt spielen wir Blogübergreifend eine Partie Decrypto. They believe that "parasol" relates to the keyword 4, since Mexico (a clue from the first round) is a sunny country. The White Team's Encryptor reads their three clues aloud, then hands the sheet to their teammates. Themen mit dem Tag „Decrypto“ Bitte bewerte: On Mars Online spielen? This way, you can play with all the blue keywords before flipping the cards, and avoid playing with the same keyword twice. Therefore, he writes 3.4.1 in the first column. Key: Zwei Gruppen treten im Wettstreit gegeneinander an, so wie bei Codenames. They do not receive any reward if their code DOES match.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'ultraboardgames_com-box-4','ezslot_8',116,'0','0'])); Therefore, it is possible that one team receives a Miscommunication token (because they misinterpreted their Encryptor's clues), while the opposing team receives an Interception token (because they successfully intercepted their opponents' code) in the same round. Eve understood clearly and responded 4.3.2. You want to give clues such that your team gets it, but the other team is totally confused about your words. They each draw a Code card and simultaneously write their clues on their Note Sheets. Each team takes the Code Deck that is the same color as their Screen (black or white). Alice needs to confuse the other players. If you like the content of a board game on this site, please consider to buy the game. The Clues must be based on information that is publicly available. Also note that the scrambling effect on the words makes sure you don't accidentally read the other words on the card when you set up your screen. There can be no confusion between what constitutes your first, second, and third clue. Maybe it was too easy? An Interception token is worth +1 point and a Miscommunication token is worth -1 point. Alle Infos und Beiträge könnt ihr auf der Webseite finden. Das Erklärungsvideo unter im Netz macht es leichter. Dabei versuchen sie immer abwechselnd, Codes an die eigenen Teammitglieder zu übermitteln. Keep in mind that one side is for your team and the other side is for the opposing team. Das Kryptischste an “Decrypto“ ist leider das Regelheft. Of course, the Encryptor who has just read their clues does not participate in the discussion! It's time for the second round. To do so, he comes up with 3 clues, one for each digit: "Mexico", "Insect", "Horror". The next time the White Team intercepts a code, they win the game, but the next time they miss a code, they lose! If a team has 2 Interception tokens, they win the game. They write down their attempted interception in the first column: 2.3.4. Hier findest Du die tollsten Spiele für die ganze Familie! Here is how to determine the winning team: Count the points. Die Mitspieler müssen es vermutlich recht lange und ausführlich studieren, bis sie endlich spielen können. The order is very (very!) Alice will encrypt for the White Team and Eve for the Black Team. Erstelle einen Termin oder melde Dich an: KLICK The Black Team reads their guesses aloud, 1.4.3. Dann jedoch entfaltet Decrypto einen ausgesprochen starken Reiz, zumal sich das Geschehen deutlich von "ähnlichen" Spielen wie Codenames abgrenzt. Das Kryptischste an “Decrypto“ ist leider das Regelheft. Keine Sorge, solltet ihr auch 10, 11 oder 12 Menschen sein, so könnt ihr das auch spielen, denn eigentlich ist das egal, wie viele Menschen in einem Team sind. Das Kryptischste an “Decrypto“ ist leider das Regelheft. Through extensive research, we bring everything you need to know about board games. Which three digits is Bob trying to make you guess? They already have some information, since during the first round, Bob came up with the clues "Mexico", " Insect", and "Horror" for code 4 (sombrero), 2 (dragonfly), 1 (black). Dieses Phänomen spielt auch in der Entstehungsgeschichte von «Decrypto» eine Rolle. However, you may never refer to "private" items, like what you ate for lunch or little sweet nothings between you and your spouse. They have no idea whatsoever what "Odonata" refers to and think it might be related to the keyword 3 since they have no previous clues. Use the side of the Note Sheet that corresponds to your team's color. This will potentially allow your opponents to intercept the codes you're trying to transmit.eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'ultraboardgames_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_7',113,'0','0'])); In the previous example, after the first round, the opposing team knows that your fourth keyword is connected to "Mexico". Meitu, a technology company headquartered in China’s Fujian province, today announced that it has bought $40 million in cryptocurrencies—$22 million in Ether (ETH) and $17.9 million in Bitcoin... News Business.

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