irssi save settings

Tell Irssi to detect incomplete nicknames in your input and look up their completions automatically. Irssi will automatically unignore them after this period of time has elapsed. This setting tells Irssi which IP to bind to. timestamp_timeout D: Color Codes hilight_color First you will need to download a new theme using wget(1). dcc_port can be two ports, separated by a space. show_own_nickchange_once : In .theme files %n works a bit differently. completion_empty_line For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the Install irssi: $ sudo apt install irssi Open irssi $ irssi Above we see that connection to server at wasn’t successful and irssi will try to connect it again in 3 minutes. Whether to show /away changes of other users in the channel. window_history autolog ]' | xargs wget --quiet -O 4. unzip -o 5. rm 6. cp autorun/ 7. mkdir -p ~/.autodl 8. touch ~/.autodl/autodl… Channels may be unavailable during netsplits. is replaced by national representation of the abbreviated month name. dcc_autoaccept_lowports Keep at least scrollback_time worth of messages in the scrollback buffer, even if it means having more than scrollback_lines lines in the buffer. lag_check_time ban_type show_account_notify expand_escapes That is, the partial nickname you enter must be at the beginning of a nickname in one of Irssi’s lists. See autoignore_time to set the amount of time someone will remain ignored if it’s determined that they’re flooding. whois_hide_safe_channel_id Multi-protocol friendly for module authors. You can manage this in a bit same way as with dircproxy, by creating fake connections: So, you’ll specify the usernames with /NETWORK ADD command, and the user’s password with /SERVER ADD. For example: Irssi proxy works fine with other IRC clients as well. Start irssi and run: /server add -auto -tls -tls_verify -network freenode -port 6697 Save your new settings with: /save If everything works you will see the "Z" mode set. The interface that the irssiproxy should listen on. May be zero or more of: int, quit, term, alrm, usr1, and usr2. Irssi’s multiple IRC network support is IMHO very good - at least compared to other clients :) Even if you’re only in one IRC network you should group all your servers to be in the same IRC network as this helps with reconnecting if your primary server breaks and is probably useful in some other ways too :) For information how to actually use irssi correctly with multiple servers see the chapter 6. scrollback_max_age Irssi OTR settings: Commands: /otr genkey Manually generate a key for the given account(also done on demand) /otr auth [@] Initiate or respond to an authentication challenge /otr authabort [@] Abort any ongoing authentication /otr trust [@] Trust the fingerprint of the user in the current window. is replaced by the number of seconds since the Epoch, UTC (see mktime(3)). Permits the value to be embedded in another string unambiguously. real_name Don’t bother displaying lag that’s below this threshold, presumably because you consider it to be insignificant. Irssi ist ein terminal-basierender IRC-Client, der oftmals auf Serversystemen in Kombination mit GNU/Screen eingesetzt wird. Aside: My real timestamp_format is %d.%H%M%S , which looks like “16.213823” (16th day of the month at 21:38:23). The smallest port number that Irssi will use when initiating DCC requests. Lets make a folder in your home directory for the config. This may cause you to misdirect messages, so be careful. You don’t need to make more than one server with -auto option to one IRC network, other servers are automatically connected in same network if the -auto server fails. is replaced by the day of the year as a decimal number (001-366). activity_hide_targets This method is known to have issues in Mac OS X. max_ctcp_queue Display the list of names in a channel when you join that channel. This setting tells Irssi how many raw messages to keep around. that let you know which server the message came from. This brings us to message levels.. What are they? Before Irssi 0.8.12, a boolean actlist_moves setting existed, which was equivalent to setting actlist_sort to refnum. They are mostly used for formatting text in themes. actlist_prefer_window_name dcc_autoget_max_size Default message to send when parting a channel. IRSSI DOES NOT. Other portions are Copyright by their respective authors or licensors. settings_autosave user_name Shipped-by-default Perl scripting with a wide range of available extensions. awaylog_file capsicum_port_min Automatically close windows when nobody is in them. use_status_window irssiproxy Determines what’s shown in the $O expando when the user is an oper. use_msgs_window Whether to store color information in /away logs. How do I automatically join to channels at startup? hide_server_tags See the autolog setting. indent is replaced by the week number of the year (Sunday as the first day of the week) as a decimal number (00-53). indent Visible can be always, active or inactive. Warning: If set to OFF, this will stop scrolling in all windows and not reenable scrolling even if you set it back to ON. This tries to cover up for it by leaving messages intact that seem to decode fine as Unicode UTF-8. For example you could have following window layout: When you are in win#1 and press ALT-6, irssi jumps to split window #3 and moves the efnet/#channel2 the active window. autofocus_new_items Is literally ‘\’ and ‘t’ when expand_escapes is off, but it’s the tab character (chr 9) when expand_escapes is on. When on, only show /away messages in the window that’s currently open. Still, if you’re an advanced user and you’ve got a lot of personal stuff in your ~/.irssi/config folder, it’s best to keep an encrypted backup. Automatically save your settings when you quit Irssi, or once per hour, rather than waiting for you to /save them yourself. Always display colors, even when the terminal type says colors aren’t supported. Should fix problems with query windows with a default msgs window + /SET window_check_level_first ON. Irssi will detect pastes when your input has less than this much time between lines. If you can’t get anything else to work, just copy and paste those lines to ~/.Xresources and directly call xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources in some xterm. split_line_start To get back to the bottom of scrollback, use /SB END command. Types of messages to prefix a timestamp to. Otherwise it will be displayed in every window you share with the quitter. When on, wide characters (fullwidth / CJK / east asian) are always considered line breaking points then wrapping lines for display, instead of only wrapping on space characters. This setting determines how many nicknames are held. Since /LASTLOG prints the timestamp when the message was originally printed, you can use /SB GOTO hh:mm to jump directly there. Whether to show the window name instead of the item name when actlist_names is enabled. They work like the strftime() codes in Appendix C. From Irssi’s colors that you can use in text formats, hilights, etc. server_connect_timeout Set whether Irssi should synchronize a channel on join. This setting only makes sense if automatic query windows is turned off. The documentation of the script ought to tell you if this is not the case. show_names_on_join hilight_act_color So, if you for example have network connection with password ircpass and OFTC connection with oftcpass, you would do something like this: The server name and port you give isn’t used anywhere, so you can put anything you want in there. quit_message Use qwerty for window numbers higher than 10 (and 0 for 10). activity_hide_visible %s and %d can be used with both of them. See Appendix B for more information about them. Advanced Settings for Autodl-IRSSI. print_active_channel flood_max_msgs wcwidth_implementation tls_verbose_connect These are done exactly as if you’d want to connect directly to them. autostick_split_windows To disconnect one of the servers, or to stop irssi from reconnecting, use, Now that you’re connected to all your servers, you’ll have to know how to specify which one of them you want to use. settings_autosave recode_fallback The formats are in “man strftime” format. hilight_nick_matches_everywhere dcc_autochat_masks And even more clearly: You can use only one IRC server connection of the irssi proxy to IRC with as many clients as you want. dcc_autorename You can change any keyboard binding that terminal lets irssi know about. Note: this guide might be a better introduction to window splits. Useful for people who think timestamps are noisy but would like timestamps for important conversations. flood_timecheck For Debian, there’s /etc/X11/Xresources/xterm file where you can put them and it’s read automatically when X starts. The original portions of this document are Copyright 2005 by Rocco Caputo and Nei (on #irssi). dcc_timeout Should we indent the long words that are forcibly wrapped to the next line? :). Windows can be scrolled up/down with PgUp and PgDown keys. window_default_level /save Backup And Encrypt Irssi Configuration. 4.,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License, Ignore activity on network ‘tag’ and window ‘exactname’, Ignore activity in named target(channel, query, dcc chat), Ignore activity in all channels on network ‘tag’, Ignore activity in all queries on network ‘tag’, Ignore activity in all dcc chats on network ‘tag’, Ignore activity in named channel/query/dcc chat on network ‘tag’. Tell Irssi whether bell characters (chr 7, ^G) included inside IRC messages should actually cause beeps. These variables will be replaced by the text they represent at the time they’re used. Irssi will treat text as flooding if more than flood_max_msgs messages are received during flood_timecheck seconds. dcc_send_replace_space_with_underscore The password to use if the proxy requires authentication. /lastlog. Amount of time to keep text in memory. Some servers will k-line you if you reconnect too quickly, so be careful setting this value lower. case of $A .. $Z is important. max_ctcp_queue Irssi will take this into consideration when it needs to delete multibyte characters, for example. Irssi’s recode system is broken. log_open_string --- Log opened %a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y. Used to prevent Irssi from flooding you off if you must auto-kick/ban lots of people at once. : Irssi supports connecting to IRC servers via a proxy. wall_format write_buffer_size Step 4 - Run IRSSI screen is a useful tool that allows a user to manipulate multiple windows inside of a single terminal session. Do not flag a window as active if the message is hidden with /window hidelevel. Or don’t limit them at all, if this is set to 0. hide_colors How long to keep track of pending DCC requests. Active/inactive is useful only with split windows; one split window is active and the rest are inactive. When off, Irssi uses a single command history for all windows. STATUS_OPER See Appendix B for Irssi’s special variables. max_command_history hide_colors dcc_download_path completion_nicks_lowercase C: Time Formats hilight_nick_matches scroll_page_count (Alt+1 for Window 1, Alt+2 for Windows 2 etc). show_quit_once flood_max_msgs Since its only purpose is to be annoying, we decided to remove this. show_server_time channel_max_who_sync show_account_notify dcc_timeout That is, when receiving a message from an unknown nick, it looks for a query with a matching user@host before creating a new one, and if it finds one, it gets renamed to use the new nick. This keeps nicknames of normal people aligned with those of voiced, half-opped, and opped people. How often to check for someone online when /notify is on. When set on, Irssi will reuse unused windows when looking for a new window to put something in. If nonzero, detect mass joins. To create it immediately say: Note that neither use_msgs_window nor use_status_window have any effect at all if /LAYOUT SAVE has been used. part_message completion_nicks_match_case dcc_port cmds_max_at_once

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