tank transformer autobot

Would rather be scrapped than lose. His self-consciousness hurts his performance. Plays back the messages he carries, thinks others are talking about him, goes into violent rages. I suoi piani prevedono di portare Cybertron sulla Terra e usare gli umani come schiavi; durante la battaglia di Chicago viene però attaccato dallo stesso Megatron e poi ucciso da Optimus Prime. His actions result from seemingly savage, animal instinct. Look out motorists – he exults in the accidents he causes! Mentre stava fuggendo da Cybertron ai tempi della guerra tra Autobot e Decepticon la sua astronave, l'Arca, fu attaccata dai Decepticon e si schiantò sulla Luna. Ever ready to sacrifice himself for the good of men and mission. Spends whole life helping the, Son of Spike Witwicky and Carly Witwicky, and grandson of Sparkplug Witwicky. Due to his small size, he dares to go where others cannot and will not. Nella pellicola viene ucciso da Grimlock. Gruff, but kind. His recklessness often leads to actual blow-outs and situations too dangerous for him to handle. Has built-in chemical sensors, radiation detectors, audio and video recorders to assist his tracking. If Autobots had drivers licenses, his would have been revoked. Il suo nome doveva essere Mirage, ma per volere dell'azienda Ferrari è stato cambiato in Dino, in omaggio a Dino Ferrari. Chooses his words with great care and precision—when Computron talks, everyone listens. Electro-disrupter can cast illusions altering his physical placement and appearance for up to 6 minutes. She explained that someone seemed to have stolen some of the scenes from the workprint. Jon Voight Interpreta John Keller, il Segretario della difesa degli Stati Uniti nel primo film. In vehicle mode, maximum ground speed: 250 mph; maximum air speed: 580 mph. Nel secondo film il Settore 7 è stato sciolto e Simmons lavora in una macelleria insieme a sua madre. In robot mode can fly 30 mph up to 100 miles. Claws can rip through foot-thick steel. Created, Nightbird is a human construct with a single form and thus not actually a Transformer herself. Doppiato da Frank Welker, appare nel quinto film e si trasforma in un Caterpillar 773B[5] giallo. Survived battle of Autobot City in "The Transformers: The Movie" but did not make final cut. As jet, he flies at mach 2.7, range 1500 miles, has heat-seeking concussion missiles. Ultra Magnus was chosen to lead the Autobot’s by Optimus Prime. Dutch is Victor Drath's right-hand man. In his workbay on Earth he can make anything from a pin to a missile. Optimistic and good humored. Most comfortable when carrying out Optimus Prime's orders. Windblade is one of the newest creations and additions to the Transformers universe, and placing her here is slightly cheating as well, as she isn’t technically an Autobot. Range: 5 miles. Likes to brag about past exploits and future conquests. In robot mode, carries a photon eliminator that shoots high voltage electricity. She worries that others, either friends or enemies, don't take her seriously and dismiss her as simply being cute. Carries cargo. Called "lousy Earth-lover" by some fellow Autobots because he prefers sleek Earth car form to original robot form. Like Raoul, he has a predilection for making pop culture references. Often confounded by initiative, emotional thinking. On Cybertron his buildings are considered works of art... On Earth his ideas limited by war. Feels literally and figuratively above the other Transformers as he soars through outer space. The Autobots had no choice but to strike back with these Decepticon techniques of stealth, building their own force of cassette Transformers, with Blaster as their guardian. Spoilsport has a rather appropriate moniker, given that he spoils the fun of his partner Sureshot by being an equally good marksman. How sharp? The arrival of the Transformers on his planet and the creation of the Headmasters gave him the prospect of power to escape his feeling of inadequacy, or so he thought... outwardly, Spasma had his wish fulfilled when he was binary bonded to Apeface, literally becoming the kind of bully who had previously tormented him. Uses ferrocobalt magnet under hood to be pulled by and within a few feet of other vehicles, reducing his fuel use to near zero. Nel prequel Bumblebee è l'unica soldatessa e tiratrice scelta della squadra di Autobot rimasti su Cyberton. Doppiato da John Di Maggio in lingua inglese e da Metello Mori in lingua italiana, è un sottoposto di Megatron nel quinto film. I still collect Transformer toys today, have a Transformer tattoo and have the comics on my pull list. As helicopter, goes 300 mph with a range of 1200 miles. Questa volta conosciamo chi, sotto corazze al tungsteno e servomotori, ha un cuore puro e coraggio da vendere. For some reason, he gave that up to undergo binary-bonding to Cyclonus. Clever and determined – nothing deters him from seeking his prey – except an empty fuel tank. When the call went out for Nebulans who would be willing to take up arms in defense of their planet, Firebolt was amongst the first to volunteer. Grenade launcher shoots 30 pound steel balls that splinter into razor-sharp spikes. Determined to lead the Decepticons and destroy Cybertron since the Autobots took it back from the Decepticons, forcing them to abandon their Earth base and retreat to the planet Charr, which would result in disposing of Megatron's dream of reviving Cybertron. I Decepticons guidati da Megatron hanno raggiunto finalmente l'Autobot Stronghold. Extinguisher rifle shoots flame-suppressing foam and an energy damping beam to counter other beams. Aristocratic, aloof – disguises his long distance loneliness. Nel terzo film Sam ha concluso il college, trova lavoro e vive con la fidanzata Carly a Washington. Nei primi due film fa parte del team di Lennox e combatte al suo fianco, mentre nel terzo lascia il NEST e gestisce l'astronave Autobot Xantium insieme ai Wreckers. Considers long-range air attacks unsporting, cowardly. Shoots a variety of liquids from supercooled nitrogen to superheated lead. Rocket can achieve planetary orbit. Tuttavia, Optimus torna in vita grazie al potere della Matrice del comando e affronta The Fallen, uccidendolo. Due to large ego, will often sulk rather than proceed if his plans go astray. Nel terzo film si trasforma in una Camaro del 2011, mentre nel quarto è inizialmente una Camaro del 1967, per poi assimilare durante la pellicola una Camaro Concept del 2014. Launches to height of 20 miles, floats down on compressed air. Range: 600 miles. A one-robot "black market." I Prime si erano imposti di non privare un pianeta dove vi fosse vita del suo sole, ma uno di loro, Megatronus Prime, volle sfidare questa regola e da quel momento fu conosciuto con il nome di The Fallen. Mirage is not thrilled about being an Autobot freedom fighter. Impervious to most artillery. His is a simple life of manual labor, and he does not give a second thought to the stories that a war may be brewing around him. Martin and Roland are two teenagers who are destined to give humanity a bad name... well, a worse name, anyway. The following is a list of characters, Autobot, … 1-year protection plan from SquareTrade - $3.99 1-year protection plan from SquareTrade - $3.99 Opens an … Flies as fast as mach 2.8. Lonely in outer space... relieves boredom by scaring humans by hovering over their backyards at night or zig-zagging through meteor showers. He takes orders from Zarak without question, no matter how illegal or rotten they are, as Snapdragon's Headmaster, he enhances the Decepticon's thuggish personality rather nicely. Range: 8000 miles. Viene ucciso da Optimus Prime, che trapassa il suo corpo spezzandolo in due. Abdul Ben Faisal is the greatest sage in all of. Hair-trigger temper, blusteringly belligerent... a terrifyingly effective warrior. Quando la base militare dove si trova viene attaccata da Blackout, scappa nel Deserto Arabico insieme a un gruppo di sopravvissuti imbattendosi nel Decepticon Scorpionok, messo in fuga con l'aiuto dell'aeronautica militare. This is a list of known Autobots from the Transformers fictional universe and toy line. Transformers Autobot Home Goods. Un agente spietato, ambizioso, corrotto e disonesto della CIA a capo dell'operazione "Cemetery Wind", volta ad eliminare tutti i Transformers sulla Terra. Prende parte allo scontro con Megatron in Egitto, trionfando nuovamente. Small, eager, and brave, Bumblebee acts as a messenger, scout, and spy. Great strength, but helpless if upended. Nel terzo film è diventato ricco dopo aver scritto un libro (Nome in codice: eroe) sulle sue battaglie contro gli alieni; in questa pellicola aiuta Sam Witwicky nelle sue indagini per scoprire i piani dei Decepticon e si scopre che ha avuto una relazione con Charlotte Mearing, il direttore dell'Intelligence Nazionale. Delights in challenges. As a warrior he has no equal; as a weapon he has no restraints. Ricompare nel secondo film[7] durante la battaglia in Egitto, dove possiede dei cannoni sulle braccia e uccide Arcee ed Elita One, per poi essere a sua volta ucciso da Ironhide. Doubts about his cause sometimes impedes his effectiveness. Not much help when asked about something important. Cosmos regul… Stanley Tucci interpreta Joshua Joyce nel quarto film. Nella seconda pellicola della serie prendono parte alla battaglia finale in Egitto, dove Arcee ed Elita One vengono uccise e solo Chromia sopravvive. He has a motto or word of advice for any situation and he is as brave and loyal as they come. Lord Mo Zarak is a powerful and corrupt Nebulan leader who transforms into the head of Scorponok. Adept at fighting in water, swamp, and jungle. Doppiato da Omar Sy in lingua originale e da Pasquale Anselmo in lingua italiana, appare nel quinto film ed è l'Autobot guardiano di Viviane Wembly. Effective, valiant warrior, but other Autobots wish he wouldn't gripe so much. Wild and unpredictable. Has six forms: robot, armored carrier, ramming-tank, jet-propelled laser pistol, star fighter, and wolf-creature modes. Vehicle modes varied a bit more, from Cliffjumper's undersized car, to Warpath's more-or-less normal sized tank. Revealed to be Megatron reformatted by Unicron because his body was badly damaged during his last fight with Optimus Prime at Autobot City. Galvatron is a cold-hearted robotic supervillain. Flies for up to two minutes with rocket backpack. Usually makes reckless driving a way of life. He carries two concussion missiles. Gentle and shy, but terrifying and unstoppable in battle. Nel quarto film si trasforma inizialmente in un vecchio Freightliner LLC, per poi assimilare un più moderno Western Star 4900. Armati con mitragliatrici d'assalto, vengono hackerati da Galvatron e prendono parte alla battaglia di Hong Kong, nella quale alcuni vengono eliminati da Hound e Bumblebee, mentre i restanti vengono uccisi da una granata di Lockdown innescata da Optimus Prime. Loves to observe things: vegetation, architecture, Earthen topography, and particularly his comrades' mistakes. He is known as "Galvatron", after being injured in his fight with Optimus Prime. Capo dell'azienda presso la quale Sam lavora, è un uomo molto preciso e pignolo. Per ottenere l'Energon dalle stelle ove era contenuto era necessario attivare una speciale macchina da loro costruita. Some comrades think it's an act, others really know he is really as nuts as he appears. Reformed as Scourge. Flies at speeds up to 250 mph. Nella seconda pellicola si trasforma in una Chevrolet Corvette Stingray Concept grigia ed è l'unico Autobot che in modalità robot ha le ruote al posto dei piedi, risultando perciò il più veloce del gruppo. Rapisce Carly e la porta a Chicago, dove nella battaglia finale viene ucciso da Sam, folgorato da un pilastro che ha attivato il ponte spaziale di Sentinel Prime. She used to work with. Uses anything he hears for blackmail to advance his status. Nel quinto film appaiono tre cuccioli di Dinobot: Sharp-T, Pterry e Top. Spreading fear is his favorite pastime. He can quickly whisk information from one place to another. Sign in to check out Check out as guest . Learn more about the Autobots or Decepticons characters in the Transformers Universe. Hates his Dinobot form, longs to return to Cybertron. Doctor Sōji Yoshikawa (吉川惣司) works at Shibuya Manufacturing (渋谷電気工業製作所). The 5 Combaticons merge to become Bruticus. Would rather read about jet fighters than be one... fascinated by the science of aerial warfare. In robot mode, carries two sonic boom rifles; one blast can shatter foot-thick steel. Projects 80,000 volt electric field around himself in jet mode. Capace di trasformarsi in molteplici oggetti terrestri, appare nel terzo film, dove ha il compito di uccidere gli umani che segretamente lavorano per i Decepticon. Shoots explosives, thermal, cryogenic, acid, sonic shells. He is a close descendant to a thoroughbred Cybertronic race horse, and a superior messenger. Sir Aetheling the Red is a feudal lord in the year 542 on Earth and is father to Princess Nimue.

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