transformers armada tidal wave episode

R2-D2 continued across the Jundland Wastes,[112] but Skywalker and C-3PO caught up to him in a landspeeder the next morning. He frequently found himself lifted in the air during telekinesis exercises. [1] Seven years after the massacre, K'Kruhk gave R2-D2 to Cade Skywalker, Kol's son. R2-D2 aided in knocking the gangsters unconscious in the ensuing confrontation, and Joben and Moll hid themselves in two cargo containers, giving C-3PO a thermal detonator to hold still until they reached Ingo. [24] The three witnessed Skywalker depart the planet in a starfighter on his way to lay siege to Muunilinst. They were approached by their old boss Rav on the latter planet and hired for a job on Wayland,[201] but the gig turned out to be a trap engineered by Rav and the Sith lady Darth Maladi. OvideO . In Armada , Jetfire questions why Hot Shot and Side Swipe would head out on their own, but in Legends of the Microns , he says they left to intercept the Decepticons but also notes how the situation looks different. [77] On the moon, they met with Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka, an Ewok Princess and the daughter of Chief Chirpa of the Ewok's Bright Tree Village, who spoke an obscure dialect of the Inner Zuma Region that C-3PO was able to understand. When C-3PO translated his binary beeps and whistles, Skywalker and Amidala returned to the ship and relayed the message to Coruscant. Having been in search of an R2-unit, the two declared themselves the new masters of the droid duo and welcomed them into Joben's speeder. Damaged in the firefight, the freighter crashed into the planet's Dune Sea, which forced the trio to journey to Jabba's Palace on foot. He, C-3PO, and Tosh were joined by Julpa and Sollag, and rushed after Zatec-Cha to rescue Meade and recover the scepter. The Autobots and The Decepticons battle in a forest, which is part of Thrust's plan. The two departed the planet when Mara Jade—smuggler and former Emperor's Hand, and an enemy-turned-friend of Skywalker's—arrived and requested the Jedi Knight's help in springing her boss Talon Karrde from imprisonment aboard Thrawn's flagship, the Imperial Star Destroyer Chimaera. [21] Three years after her appointment to the senate, Amidala traveled from Naboo to Coruscant to vote against the senate's proposed Military Creation Act, but chose a handmaiden to pose as her and to make the journey in an official ship, while Amidala flew in a Naboo Royal starfighter with R2-D2 in the droid socket. However, whereas Ramjet was simply the Mini-Con partner of Tidal Wave, Thrust was a bulk who even had a VTOL engine in jet mode, a conehead and vertically-oriented wings in robot mode. After entering the palace via a secret door that Julpa had revealed to them, Tosh and C-3PO fell through a trap door and were followed down by R2-D2. [134], Following Thrawn's death, surviving members of the Imperial Ruling Council joined forces with the remaining Imperial Fleet Commanders and launched from the Deep Core with stunning violence. Gorneesh was holding a terrified Plooz over a chasm, and C-3PO demanded that he be let go. However, R2 and the other members save for Gascon were suspicious at the lack of crew members and the closed blast doors, with their suspicions eventually being confirmed when the "clone officers" turned out to be holograms and the Renown entered hyperspace. [107], Organa's destination was Tatooine—her father believed that the Rebellion would need the assistance of Obi-Wan Kenobi in such a desperate hour. While new Decepticon-allied jet characters named Thrust and Ramjet were released in Armada, they each had their own unique molds. The jockeys eagerly accepted, but their mirth was interrupted by the arrival of Sise Fromm, Tig Fromm, and Vlix Oncard, who were fuming at having once again been foiled. Add to Watchlist. [252], While seeking writers for Dark Horse Comics' Droids series, editors Ryder Windham and Dan Thorsland were dismayed that many of their potential hirees regarded R2-D2 and C-3PO as little more than comic relief. Just not a big fan of the art style. R2-D2 flew in the droid socket of Luke Skywalker's X-wing during several battles of the subsequent Thrawn campaign. [41], R2-D2 and C-3PO were again reunited during a trip to Orto Plutonia, the latter having been lent to Skywalker by his wife for the mission to the icy world. When the spearhead was brought into a hangar of the Star Destroyer, Tosh was imprisoned and the droids were put to work loading arms as the warship jumped to Tammuz-an. He's itching for adventure, and he's about to get it. He told the droid to get to safety, but R2-D2, again using his rockets, remained in the vicinity of the beast as Skywalker attacked it. As Tano joined her Master on the beast's back, R2-D2 activated his booster rockets and followed them to Ventress's secret landing platform, located on a nearby mesa. C-3PO then was able to arm the Solos by giving them a last meal. The droids next accompanied Calrissian and Skywalker to Kessel in search of Solo and Chewbacca, who had disappeared during a mission to the barren world. The two counterparts were purchased almost immediately by Ambassador Zell of Majoor[12] to act as tutors and companions of Zell's son Llez, who had dreams of dismantling C-3PO and using R2-D2 for entertainment purposes. R2-D2 projected a hologram of the target as Skywalker and Jedi Master Luminara Unduli planned an attack. Their efforts were successful mere seconds before Kueller, who was dueling Skywalker on Almania, attempted to detonate all of his remaining droid weapons. Transformers® is a registered trademark of Hasbro, Inc. Visit to view Hasbro's official Transformers website or visit Takara Tomy's official Transformers website. [187] Seated on Coruscant, Darth Krayt and his new Empire had been ruling the galaxy since the Massacre at Ossus. R2-D2 often accompanied him, including on a trip to the planet Toola in 8 ABY where the droid helped him find records of a Force-using sect called the Witches of Dathomir. R2-D2 and C-3PO later went with a police droid named Unit Zed to Nar Shaddaa, where Jace Forno blasted off C-3PO's right leg below the knee. We are a participant in several affiliate programs with retailers such as Amazon, Walmart, Target, eBay, and other affiliate programs. A confrontation with the insane old man and a clone of Skywalker saw Jade kill both of their foes, and the mission was a success. Syn and Blue brought R2-D2 into the cantina, where he played Cade's holo-message for them, Jool, and Jool's bodyguard Jak. Joben, Dusat, and Moll took the droids to the home of Kea's mother Demma, where R2-D2 and C-3PO cleaned several Sand sloth stalls while their masters slept. Tosh, Julpa, and Sollag arrived, and the group brought Zellock's prone form onto the ship and escaped from the base just prior to its destruction. The joy of the recovery was cut short when the Separatist's secret weapon arrived in-system: A heavy cruiser of prodigious proportions called the Malevolence, which sported massive ion cannons that it used to disable its prey. Tidal Wave calls after Starscream before making him crash in Legends of the Microns; this happens earlier in Armada when they enter Earth's atmosphere. When the Jedi discovered that the clone troopers stationed on Pantora had been wiped out by a group of local Talz, Cho declared war on the natives, but the conflict was quickly halted when Chuchi received permission from the Pantoran Speaker of the Assembly to negotiate peace. During the filming of the original trilogy, the remote control units continually malfunctioned. [48], Soon after the mission to Mustafar, R2-D2 and Skywalker accompanied C-3PO, Amidala, Typho, and Senator Rush Clovis of the InterGalactic Banking Clan on Amidala's star skiff from Coruscant to Cato Neimoidia, where Amidala parleyed with Senator Lott Dod of the Trade Federation while simultaneously spying on Clovis; both Dod and Clovis were suspected of being in league with the Confederacy. [93], While traveling coreward to the Imperial Academy on Raithal, Tosh dropped the droids off on the planet Manda, where he was scheduled to catch a commercial starliner. [19], On the day of the race, R2-D2 helped pull Skywalker's racer onto the course, and later stood on the sidelines with C-3PO and two of Skywalker's playmates, Kitster Banai and W. Wald, who cheered their friend on. [144] R2-D2 took to guarding his master's unconscious body in the following days, and when Kun's spirit set Sithspawn battle hydras upon the helpless Skywalker, it fell to R2-D2 and the two-year-old Jacen Solo to defend him. The news came as a surprise to C-3PO, but R2-D2 had been aware of the impending offer for some time. [35], News began to spread through the Republic of a Separatist weapon that had destroyed over a dozen Republic warships and left no survivors; when Jedi Master Plo Koon's fleet was presumed destroyed in the Abregado system, Skywalker, Tano, and R2-D2 took the Twilight from the Bith system to investigate, despite instructions from Master of the Order Mace Windu stating that they were to remain with their fleet and protect vital convoy missions. After one unsuccessful attempt to pass through it, the Twilight landed in the spaceport city of Cliffhold, and R2-D2 received and amplified a HoloNet transmission from Amidala and Tano, both of whom were suffering from the effects of the virus. R2-D2 helped Skywalker and Kenobi perform a crash-landing, extending the ship's drag fins in the process. The frigate Bloodprice was destroyed by the ghost ship, but the Gorath followed the Vagabond into hyperspace. The Mynock headed there to catch him, and onworld, Cade and Sazen searched for him while R2-D2, Syn, and Blue met with representatives of the Galactic Alliance Remnant and offered to sell them weapons. R2-D2 ignored his friend and set out, and was ultimately followed by a reluctant C-3PO. EdJa TUTS. Threatened by Destroyer, the council had already agreed to pay the exorbitant taxes that Kugg was demanding; too late to stop him, C-3PO, R2-D2, and Ellon brought the Ranger to Kugg's mansion and saw it defeat Destroyer with help from R2-D2, who suffered micro-synapse damage during the battle. The ship was soon afterward stolen, and C-3PO alerted a technician named Nik, who revealed that the ship had taken off several minutes beforehand. They were then locked in a cell with Dusat, who had been previously captured along with Demma. Monarg gathered two friends and pursued them, prompting Allana to attempt to contact her parents. Their destination was Crseih Station, where Organa Solo rendezvoused with Skywalker and Solo and prevented Hethrir from sacrificing Anakin Solo to the extradimensional being known as Waru. Following the arrival of Kea Moll, a young resistance fighter seeking a mechanic, R2-D2's sensors detected movement outside the shop. [106] After the fiasco, R2-D2 and C-3PO were quietly delivered back to Antilles. Named Jann Tosh, the young man took his new comrades to his wheel bike, but was pursued by Mog after the bodyguard remembered that Zellock had charged him with acquiring the android. The disk contained instructions on how to build a nuclear-powered missile, and Vlix Oncard appeared on the starship's monitor and demanded that they make their way to Tig Fromm's fortress. Joben and Moll arrived, but when Fett appeared and began shooting at the group, Joben and R2-D2 fled in the Witch to participate in the imminent Boonta Race. Free shipping for many products! R2-D2 accompanied Jinn and the others to the junk shop of the Toydarian merchant Watto, and later to the home of Anakin Skywalker, a young slave working for Watto who offered his home to the party as a reprieve from a coming sandstorm. [225], Despite the multitude of units, Baker's performance has been credited as imbuing a sense of personality into the character,[1] adding a living touch and making the character a little more human. [62], During their journey to the mysterious planet, R2-D2 and the starfighter's systems malfunctioned, forcing Yoda to place his faith in the Force to guide them to safety. You get a real feel for many of the characters, and how they're going to differ from their original BW counterparts. Evading stormtrooper inspections of the ship, this allowed the group the chance to rescue the Alderaanian Princess Leia Organa. Product line The group prepared to depart the station, which was due to be destroyed by the nearby crystallizing star Crseih, but R2-D2 delayed their flight by convincing the station to follow them out of the system and thus save the lives of all of its inhabitants. In 35 ABY, R2-D2 continues to served Luke and his family; although the little droid is stubborn and well-behaved, however, R2-D2 began to malfunction. R2-D2's attempts to help his companion saw him swatted away. [1] A century after participating in the Battle of Endor, R2-D2 told the Keeper of the Whills of the Skywalker family. Nachkt suspected that the droid's memory contained valuable Republic information, and accordingly fitted R2-D2 with a restraining bolt and contacted Grievous, offering the droid in exchange for credits. She first infiltrated the Mynock, however, and left them a gift—Antares Draco, frozen in carbonite. Unfazed, R2-D2 continued on his way, but C-3PO refused to follow him, and the two finally parted ways. R2-D2 and C-3PO helped Idd's children, Vik and Nikki, free their father; C-3PO was able to destroy all of Fromm's hover guard droids while dressed as a guardian droid, allowing Vik to trap Fromm in a packing net and turn him over to the authorities. In the alternate comic series Star Wars Infinities: A New Hope, Luke's proton torpedoes fail to destroy the Death Star, and the Rebel Alliance is wiped out. When Senator Amidala caught wind of Palpatine's plan to kill it, she contacted Kenobi, who invited Skywalker to meet him in the Senate building. Adjacent to the stalls, C-3PO unintentionally activated a secret door leading to a rebel base of the Annoo Resistance. Despite C-3PO's shock at R2-D2's initial candor, the two droids fast developed a friendship of sorts, working on the podracer together, discussing space travel, and noting the clumsy actions of Binks. Hoping to help, Plooz inadvertently disrupted the ship's anti-matter pods, but with electron torpedoes incoming, R2-D2 was ordered by his counterpart to jump to hyperspace regardless.[77]. [143] R2-D2, meanwhile, took his place at Skywalker's side as the Jedi Master began training the next generation of Jedi Knights at the new Jedi Academy on Yavin IV. When several guard droids arrived, R2-D2 covered them with foam and knocked another one onto the ground; the astromech droid also closed a door before more members of the gang could arrive. Unfortunately for him and C-3PO, the plan backfired after breaching the wall of the Imperial Base that Luke was being held at, resulting in his and 3PO's capture and near dismantling before Luke rescued them. [87], During the race, Fett pursued the Witch in his own speeder, attempting to both harpoon and blast his quarry. R2-D2 and Skywalker followed the Lady Luck to Centerpoint Station, a massive space station in the center of the Corellian system that had lately been destroying stars. When Meade wrestled the scepter from the Vizier's hands, C-3PO recovered it and tossed it to Julpa, who presented it to the keeper of the tower and was declared King of Tamuz-an. Palpatine approved the use of the Republic's newest weapon, the electro-proton bomb, and R2-D2 accompanied Skywalker and Mace Windu to Malastare to oversee the weapon's detonation. R2-D2 was assigned to accompany her, Captain Typho, and C-3PO on a mission to the planet Bri'ahl, where Amidala negotiated with President Vuul. [226] The original Star Wars film, released in 1977, had just one radio-controlled unit to complement Baker's performance, being used in scenes that required use of R2-D2's third leg,[227] but improvements in miniaturized technology saw remote control R2-D2 units end up with most of the character's screen time by 1983's Return of the Jedi. R2-D2 recruited C-3PO to help him investigate Skywalker's X-wing, which he believed was being sabotaged, but their efforts saw them briefly imprisoned by a Kloperian mechanic for trespassing in the hangar. [202] When the Sith scientist Vul Isen used viral spores to commit a holocaust of every sentient being on the planet Dac,[203] he found himself at the top of Cade's list. While Gascon did not approve at first, they were allowed to bring the droid with them for repairs once they got home. However, the trio were seized by Smith's droid, XR, upon their arrival, and brought before Smith, who revealed that his droid had been sabotaged. Before the mission, Doctor Gubacher modified the droids, R2-D2 receiving upgraded rocket boosters. [218] Lucas wrote the name down and later included it in his rough drafts of Star Wars. R2-D2 set a course for Naboo, where the antidote was synthesized and the affected parties cured. The figure is not complete, but is very close. Tano quickly devised an escape plan, and brought R2-D2 and Skywalker to a computer terminal where the astromech droid sliced in and located a backdoor landing platform. Lucas himself corrected it in Star Wars: The Annotated Screenplays and revealed the character's name was created by repeating common phonetic sounds until he discovered one that he enjoyed. Kig forbi og bliv klar til campingturen. Seeing that Kenobi had been captured by droidekas while recording the message, the two decided to fly to Geonosis and rescue him. However, the mayhem woke Nachkt, who found R2-D2 and refitted the droid with his restraining bolt.

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